You can find here the comprehensive list of the materials cited in the different sections of the Wiki.
- ALTER-EU (2018). Corporate capture in Europe.
- Calendar of the Council meetings (formal, informal, preparatory bodies).
- Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.
- Citizens Takeover Europe (2023). Statement on the European Citizens’ Panels.
- Citizens Takeover Europe (n.d.). 10+1 Guidelines for EU Citizens’ Assemblies.
- Committee on Petitions (PETI).
- Corporate Europe Observatory. RevolvingDoorWatch.
- Civil Society Europe (2023). Transparency of Permanent Representations to the EU.
- Civil Society Europe (2022). Civil Dialogue in the EU – What’s next? Lessons Learnt from the Conference on the Future of Europe and Suggestions to Strengthen Future Civil Dialogue.
- Civil Society Europe (2022), The Future of Europe is Ours: A View from Civil Society. Recommendations from civil society organisations for the Conference on the Future of Europe.
- Civil Society Europe & Social Platform (2023). Civil society call to restore the details of European Commission officials in the EU Whoiswho register.
- Civil Society Europe (2018). Civil society participation in EU decisions: how to move forward?
- Civil Society Europe & Philea (2023). Joint Civil Society Contribution to the 2023 Annual Rule of Law Report on Civic Space.
- Comitology Register.
- Conference on the Future of Europe (2022). Report of the final outcome.
- Conference on the Future of Europe’s Multilingual Digital Platform.
- Council of Europe’s Recommendation CM/Rec(2023)6 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on deliberative democracy.
- Council of Europe INGO database.
- Council of the EU (2023). Conclusions on the application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights; The role of the civic space in protecting and promoting fundamental rights in the EU.
- Council of the EU (2017). EU engagement with civil society in external relations – Council conclusions.
- EnTrust (2023). Report on practices of enhanced trust in governance.
- EnTrust (2022). Integrated Report on the Role of Democratic Social Movements.
- EnTrust (2020). First Manuscript on Trust and Distrust in Governance.
- EU institutions and bodies database.
- EU Monitor. Decision-making procedures in the European Union.
- EU Transparency Register.
- EU Whoiswho.
- European Citizens’ Initiative Forum.
- European Citizens’ Initiative: how it works.
- European Citizens’ Initiative Info Packet for Civil Society Organisations
- European Civic Forum & Civic Space Watch (2022). Towards vibrant European civic and democratic space.
- European Civic Forum & Civil Society Europe (2021). Towards an open, transparent, and structured EU civil dialogue.
- European Commission (2023). Recommendation on promoting the engagement and effective participation of citizens and civil society organisations in public policy-making processes.
- European Commission (2023): An EU initiative on Web 4.0 and virtual worlds: a head start in the next technological transition
- European Commission (2023). Better Regulation Toolbox.
- European Commission (2023): European Citizens’ Panel on Learning Mobility. Final report.
- European Commission (2023). Follow-up of the Conference on the Future of Europe – one year on.
- European Commission (2023): Proposal for a Council Recommendation ‘Europe on the Move’ – learning mobility opportunities for everyone.
- European Commission (2022). Communication on the Conference on the Future of Europe. Putting Vision into Concrete Action.
- European Commission (2022). 7 Times the European Citizens’ Initiative gave.
- European Commission (2021). Better Regulation: Joining forces to make better laws.
- European Commission (2021). Better Regulation Guidelines.
- European Commission (2020). Governance in the European Commission.
- European Commission (2019). Citizens’ dialogues and citizens’ consultations. Key conclusions.
- European Commission (2019). The Working Methods of the European Commission.
- European Commission (2014). Report on Citizens’ Dialogues as a Contribution to Developing a European Public Space.
- European Court of Justice (2018). The European Parliament must in principle grant access, on specific request, to documents relating to ongoing trilogues.
- European Economic and Social Committee (2010). Towards a structured framework for the European Civil Dialogue.
- European Ombudsman (2023). The European Commission’s decision to no longer publish the names of all EU staff members in the online directory of EU staff (‘Whoiswho’).
- European Ombudsman (2018). Special Report of the European Ombudsman in strategic inquiry OI/2/2017/TE on the transparency of the Council legislative process.
- European Ombudsman (2014). Improving expert group transparency.
- European Parliament (2023). Parliament strengthens rules on integrity, transparency and accountability.
- European Parliament resolution (2022) on Shrinking space for civil society in Europe
- European Parliament’s Committee on Petitions (PETI).
- European Parliament Legislative Observatory (Oeil).
- European Parliament Legislative Train.
- EU Platform on Food Losses and Food Waste.
- Expert Groups register.
- Have your say portal.
- Integrity Watch EU.
- Joint Declaration on the Conference on the Future of Europe (2021).
- List of Council preparatory bodies.
- Make a complaint to the European Ombudsman.
- OECD (2021): Eight ways to institutionalise deliberative democracy.
- Register of the Council documents.
- Register of the Council voting results.
- Regulation 2020/2092 on a general regime of conditionality for the protection of the Union budget.
- Regulation 2019/788 on the European citizens’ initiative.
- Regulation 1049/2001 regarding public access to European Parliament, Council and Commission documents.
- Right to petition to the European Parliament.
- Rule of Law report communication and country chapters (2023).
- Rule of Law report factsheet on the 2023 annual Rule of Law cycle (2023).
- The EU’s Rule of Law toolbox factsheet.
- Transparency International (2022): The elephant in the room. Lobby meetings in the European Parliament.
- Transparency International (2021): One rule for them, one rule for us. Integrity double standards in the European Parliament.
- Transparency International: Corruptionary A-Z.
- Transparency International: EU Integrity Watch.
- Treaty on the European Union (2012).
- Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (2012).
- United Nations recognised NGOs.
- Website of the Council configurations.
- Website of the European Economic and Social Committee.
- Website of the EESC Group I – Employers’ Group.
- Website of the EESC Group II – Workers’ Group.
- Website of the EESC Group III – Civil Society Organisations’ Group.
- Website of the European Citizens’ Initiative.
- Website of the European Citizens’ Panels.
- Website of the European Parliament’s Intergroups .
- Website of the Secretariat-General of the European Parliament.
Project information
Project Type: Collaborative Project
Call: H2020 SC6 GOVERNANCE-01-2019: Trust in Governance
Start: February 2020
Duration: 48 Months
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Christian Lahusen,
University of Siegen
Grant Agreement No: 870572
EU-funded Project Budget: € 2,978,151.25